Condorcet Inventory Project
- Project Holders : Nicolas Rieucau
- Education projects
- 2020-2023
- Sponsors : COMUE UPL
- Contact: Nicolas Rieucau
- https://www.inventaire-condorcet.com
- Digital humanities, Digital writing, Documents, Educational project, Heritage
The project dates back to the early 1990s, to mark the bicentenary of the French Revolution and the bicentenary of Condorcet’s death in 1994. At that time, a multidisciplinary team – the Groupe Condorcet – was formed to work on his work, publish his manuscripts and distribute his correspondence. It was at this point that the idea of drawing up an inventory was first mooted. The Groupe Condorcet published many writings and organized numerous conferences before discontinuing its activities in the early 2000s. Nicolas Rieucau resumed the project in 2009, founding the Inventaire Condorcet team.
An inventory is a prerequisite for the critical and annotated edition of a work or series of documents. In the case of Condorcet, there is an entire work of prospecting, dating and identification to be developed, even before undertaking the scientific edition as such. At present, we are concentrating on the inventory of Condorcet’s manuscripts. Students are involved in encoding the letters (as well as “naming” the photograph files). Two interns work for two months of the year, supervised by a research engineer, Josselin Morvan. They then each spend 15 days on holiday. These students are also given the opportunity to have direct contact with the documents, as a visit is organized to the Archives de l’Académie des Sciences in Paris, where many of Condorcet’s papers are kept. This collaboration with students from the DEFI Master’s degree in information and communication at the University of Paris Nanterre is also an opportunity for them to immerse themselves in the world of research, and to learn about teamwork.
Studied media
letters, manuscripts
Type of deliverables
digital inventory
The particularity of this approach is to attach great importance to the writing medium, the material support, and in particular to watermarks for reasons of dating or identification. For example, Condorcet sometimes used Picardy paper, which helps us identify periods and places of writing. On the website, a page is specifically devoted to papers and watermarks (https://www.inventaire-condorcet.com/Inventaire/Papiers_et_filigranes).
Find out more
Les relations scientifiques de Condorcet avec les provinces françaises. Correspondance et documents inédits. 1772-1791, Textes réunis et présentés par Nicolas Rieucau, avec la collaboration de Francoise Launay et Jean-Daniel Candaux
La Correspondance de Condorcet : documents inédits, nouveaux éclairages. Engagements politiques (1775-1792). Textes réunis et présentés par Nicolas Rieucau, avec la collaboration d’Annie Chassagne et Christian Gilain.
CML members involved in the project
Camille Claverie