All about the Particip-Arc project
- Project Holders : Frédérique Chlous, National Museum of Natural History
- Research projects
- 2020 - Present
- Sponsors : Ministry of Culture
- Contact: Marta Severo
- https://www.participarc.net/
- Cultural institutions, Participation, Participatory science, Platforms
All information about the Particip-Arc network, which gathers actors involved in participatory science and research.
Particip-Arc is a network of actors committed to participatory science and research in culture. The network was created in 2017 on the impulse of the Ministry of Culture. Initially, the objective was to make an inventory of participatory research approaches in the fields of culture, which is a very broad scope in terms of disciplines. This includes the arts, linguistics, communication, urban planning, archaeology, heritage… Today the network supports the organization of scientific, professional and public events around participatory cultural research.
The network is present in France and gathers about 120 members. At the beginning, it mainly gathered people from research institutions. Since 2020, we have expanded to include actors such as associations, freelancers, theater companies… Individuals interested in participating in the network can also do so.

A directory of initiatives is regularly updated. Several events have been organized, mainly centered around thematic seminars. The aim is to bring together different approaches and testimonies of experience on various subjects. The network also allows for the communication of participatory cultural research through joint participation in conferences, such as the Science and You conference in the winter of 2021.
Expected results
The main purpose of the network is the exchange of experiences which allows the collective increase of skills. A second issue is visibility, to show what participatory cultural research is, since these projects are perhaps less known than participatory approaches in other fields. Finally, there is an objective of promotion for the Ministry of Culture and at the European level in order to reinforce the place of these participative projects in the policies of support to research.
For more informations
Other members involved
CML members involved in the project: Irene De Togni, Marta Severo