Guest conference is organized by the Culture Media Lab of the Dicen-IdF laboratory and the EUR ArTec
The conference will be preceded by a short presentation of the EUR ArTec and the Collections ArTec / Presses du Réel
Discussant: Céline Morin (University of Paris Nanterre)
Giorgia Aiello is Professor of Culture and Communication at the University of Leeds, UK, and Associate Professor of Sociology of Culture and Communication at the University of Bologna, Italy. After graduating from the communication studies program founded by Umberto Eco in Bologna, she obtained her PhD at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA. Her research focuses on how identities are formed, how difference and diversity are negotiated, and how inequalities are maintained or overcome through visual communication. She has been a visiting scholar, guest lecturer and keynote speaker at universities, conferences and workshops in twelve different countries. Giorgia is co-author of Visual Communication: Understanding Images in Media Culture (with K. Parry, SAGE, 2020) and editor of Communicating the City: Meanings, Practices, Interactions (with M. Tarantino and K. Oakley, Peter Lang, 2017).
Communication, space, image
Visual communication is now a fundamental part of our daily experience. As Street posters, advertising campaigns, images that circulate between new and traditional media feed our imaginations, our values and our actions.
The semiologist Giorgia Aiello proposes a committed reading of the images in which we are immersed on a daily basis. The texts that are gathered in this book of ArTec’s Petit Collection aim to complexifying our vision and understanding of the semiotic landscapes that populate our urban spaces. Through the analysis of different examples, from Starbucks to Getty Images, from Magnum Photo to Manifattura Tabacchi in Bologna, the author proposes a critical approach to the contemporary globalist aesthetic.
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This meeting is open to all, without registration.